
Get 20% Off on Holiday Gifts

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Enjoy this 20% discount when you buy any Holiday Gifts at Cheryls.com.

Prices and savings do not include any taxes or any shipping fees. The price displayed on each gift reflects the discounted price. Items could differ, and availability, regulations, and delivery window considerations apply. There may be fees and surcharges. Offer accessible over the phone and online. Offer is not eligible for orders placed through the Business Gift Service Department, in-store purchases, past transactions, or products with custom logos. Offers are subject to limits and limitations, are not available on all products, and cannot be combined with any other order level incentives. Prices and fees are liable to modification without prior notice. Offer good until 11.10.22. Enter the offer code in the box for the promotion code at checkout to redeem the offer. $1000 maximum off each order, per customer.

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